Wednesday 11 June 2014

Caramelized Onion, Pear and Blue Cheese Pizza

Caramelized Onion, Pear and Blue Cheese Pizza

Hi Bloggers, Welcome to our new recipe department.  Adding this department to our blog was much debated, not because we felt that there wasn't the interest, but because none of us really considerd ourselves experts in this field nor did any of us have allot of time to cook.  So we put some guide lines in place about the recipes that we would like to share with and hopefully you will share yours with us.
  • The recipe must be a favourite of yours that you love!
  • Give us the background to your recipes, where did it come from?
  • You must have changed up the original recipe and/or repurposed it into other dishes. We especially like those.
  • Please give credit were credit were credit is due. Especially if it's an old family recipe, I have learned that over the years LOL.
I have chosen this recipe because I love it, my family and friends love it.  It is also great to take to a party. Be prepared though, it is hard to eat just one piece.

Let's Begin

Caramelized Onion, Pear and Blue Cheese Pizza


I Do Not have a grill, but I have used some great crust for this pizza

Pita Bread - make sure you crisp your pita bread in oven first or you will get a soggy pizza eke!
Crisp up a crusty loaf - you can even hollow out a bit of the bread from the loaf, again crisp the loaf first

Onions:  This is the most important ingredient in this recipe.  I use sweet white onions, and Always use extra, now my secret ingredients sugar! not allot, but a packet of sweetener goes along way (1 packet to 3 large onions).

Variations for this recipe

Honestly, I have created soooo many recipes from this basic recipe, I am still coming up with new ones all the time.  Here are a few of my favourites;

Steak; instead of pear use steak and onions with a strong cheese OMG!
Mango; I love the spiciness of a mango

Omelets; any or all above in a omelet soooo good

Bragging Rights:
The Original Recipe I started with can be found at  SG Design Studio Blogger Recipes.

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do, please let me know what you think ?