Wednesday 6 August 2014

DIY Cable Spools to Side Tables

Well I thought I would be bringing the second tutorial to you today for making another great  Fake Out Weave Wall Hanging #2.  Well I am not going to give you that tutorial this week (probable next week), but I have a really good reason for this change, other than being a women and therefore it's my
prerogative, but it's also my blog LOL.

This is what happened. My building's elevator has been down for what seems like forever. I was walking past all the debris and what do I see........ a bunch of Wooden Cable Spools, all different sizes. I had to have them, all of them, but how?  I will tell you how, you go and ask someone if you can take them off their hands for them, how many you ask, well all of them of course.  I loaded those spools in my car so fast it would make your head spin.  I settled for 5 small ones and one large coffee table size.

I couldn't start fast enough.  I decided right away I wanted two of them to be side tables. I started going thru my stains, paints, tape, material all the usual suspects. The material I used was left over from a rug tutorial I did a while back DIY an Old rug to a New rug.

Let's Begin:

1.  First thing I did was just put the dish soap and water to them and let them dry over night.  Next day I puled all my tools and materials together.

  • Carpenters Glue/White Glue
  • Siccors 
  • Wood Stain
  • Paint Brush
  • Decorative Tape

2.  I taped off my spool and stained them in a dark brown wood stain, I used a brush and not a sponge brush, because a sponge just doesn't hold up to the grainy somewhat rough surface of the wood. It also leaves too much stain behind to soak up.

I only used one coat because I was a dark stain, but a second coat can be applied if you want it darker or richer.  I also did not bother with a lacquer top coat. I wanted to keep my as real to the real thing as possible, but that's me.  You may decided to paint them purple, who cares, go for it.

3.  Once dry you can start with the middle part of the spool.  I used some left over material from another project we did  DIY an Old rug to a New rug and some really cool leopard tape I had bought some months back, just because I loved it. 


4.  Then I went to town with middle of my spool. I measures out my material and cut it to be to wrap around the middle and I glued it down with Carpenters Glue or white glue would work also.  Now you may want to leave it at this point, because you love, that's great. Not me, I had to get that cool tape in there, so once the material dried I applied my tape around the top and bottom of the centre portion of the stool.

I love them, but I wanted to come up with some sort of a top tray so it could be used as a side table. I went to my local thrift store and found these. Now I know there is a proper name for them and I know you use them for your table and set you plates on them, but I can't remember the damn name of them. Anyway, I found two of them for a $1.00 for both.  I know they were it and I think I am right, what do you think?

And here is the finished side table

Here is where the reside with me, I love them. I can move them around when I have guest over. I have 3 more I will be turning into padded stools another tutorial to come LOL.

Thanks for following and next time I will bring you my second Fake Out Weave Wall Hanging.
Till then

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