Monday 30 April 2012

DIY Water Color Lampshade

Hello All! 

I recently decided that I should start sharing some of my DIY projects.  I always at least 4-5 on the go at one time. So I thought I would start a blog.  So here goes, this is my first blog, so please be kind, I promise I will get better.
My Water Color Lampshade

This is even more gorgeous when turned on at night.

 This is one that I really love and had a great time doing, and it's Super Easy!

  • What you will need;
  • Watercolors (in the tubes) easier to mix with water  OR fabric paint
  • Plastic container or  I used old ceramic bowls.
  • Luke warm water
  • Paint brush, what type or width of brush, totally depends on what design you choose, I used a large foam brush for my lampshade
  • Rick Rack Or some Ribbon
Okay let's begin

  • As you can see I reused an old lampshade that had some trim glued on it. I took off the trim, it comes off easy when soak.

  • The first thing to do is to soak your lampshade,and if necessary use a little javex to get any marks off. I put mine under the shower for a couple of minutes.  **It's important that you start off with your lampshade wet.

  • Cover your area with a plastic garbage bag or some newspaper because this next step can be a little messy.

  • Mix up your water colors in separate bowls. I would suggest adding your water first, then add your paint in SMALL amounts constantly stirring and adding more water to get the color to the strength you desire. I always have a small swatch that I use constantly checking the color to unsure it's exactly the color I want before I start brushing it on.

  • Now the FUN begins, start with your Wet lampshade and start painting.  I did mine in a very loose and easy style. I did not mark mine out I just painted on the the strips freehand with my brush.
  • **Hint** I found if I let the shade dry and then went back and added more color in certain ares it gave it allot more depth of color.

  • Finish off with some rick rack or ribbon of your choice.

  • TA DA  all done !!

I look forward to any comments or questions.
Hope you enjoyed my first blog

SG The Manic Designer